IT Black Hole or IT Investment Portfolio

Thinking like battle-tested CIOs – Technology management for non-tech executives Technology programs can be managed in two ways – Active asset management, or A black hole where IT projects are lost and forgotten. Active Asset Management Ideally, an organization should manage its IT program like a financial investment portfolio. Each system or project is […]
Design your IT Operations around your Business Value Proposition

Thinking like battle-tested CIOs – Technology management for non-tech executives Are you the McDonald’s, the Burger King or the Wendy’s of your industry? These three fast-food giants have dominated the hamburger market by each focusing on one of the three basic business value propositions, and those propositions apply to any organization, in every industry. McDonald’s […]
Back to Basics – Focus on Fundamentals

Thinking like battle-tested CIOs – Technology management for non-tech executives We can all be captivated by fancy new tools and tricks but often getting back to the basics is the reminder we need to refocus on our core values and principles. A back-to-basics approach means returning to an organization’s mission, its fundamental principles. Like the […]
The Psychology of IT Decision-Making at the Executive Level

Thinking Like Battle-tested CIOs – Technology Management for non-tech Executives Often when making decisions, we go with our gut, especially when we don’t have all the information. That’s not always the right choice. Executives are responsible for making a variety of decisions every day. When it comes to IT operations, the right choice requires careful […]
Decision Culture and the Pyramid of Chaos

Thinking Like Battle-tested CIOs – Technology Management for non-tech Executives Thoughtful decision-making and successful outcomes are vital in the business workplace. An organization’s culture can steer the decision-making process, towards productive or chaotic. “An organization’s decision culture is defined as…people cooperating with one another for desired outcomes,” says Paul Theisen, principal and founder of TAG […]