Thinking Like Battle-tested CIOs - Technology Management for non-tech Executives
Often when making decisions, we go with our gut, especially when we don’t have all the information. That’s not always the right choice.
Executives are responsible for making a variety of decisions every day. When it comes to IT operations, the right choice requires careful consideration by the right leader.
There is a deficit in the C-suite for decision support in IT operations, says Paul Theisen, principal and founder of TAG CXO.
“Decision makers often don’t have the qualifications at the C level to make efficient, accurate and strategic decisions around tech operations,” he says.
Executive minds need to be informed, they need accurate and timely information and reporting to make decisions. Issues, including how to wisely spend IT dollars, are competing for time and attention.
IT decisions are often more complicated and require a decision maker who’s well versed in IT operations. Executives often have the industry-specific experience their company requires, but when it comes to IT decisions – something all companies must address – executives don’t have the necessary skills and end up making a best guess.
Many executives realize this is a weakness, Theisen says.
So who do they trust to help make these decisions?
At times, executives will rely on relationships, such as an IT manager or other team member. While these people are trustworthy, they may not have the experience and qualifications to make the right decision. Some executives might not even be able to identify that they don’t have the necessary experience.
Often, it’s a vendor that offers a solution. They’ll make the problem fit within the capabilities of their product. It’s solutions before requirements.
“Organizations need to do the tough work of understanding the requirements first, be empowered with accurate information, know what your business needs first, then go out and find the solution,” Theisen says.
To do that, organizations need an IT operations thinker, an experienced professional with a long track record of successful IT decisions made and projects implemented.
These professionals follow a methodical and structured model, similar to a Deming Cycle – Plan, Do, Study, Act. To learn more about the Deming philosophy, read here: Deming Cycle.
We look to the experts for good advice, such as a CPA for tax advice or a financial planner for investment help. IT operations are just the same.
This is where TAG CXO comes in.
TAG CXO empowers experienced and battle-tested IT leaders and places them with companies in need, on an interim or fractional basis. This allows mid-market companies to utilize the experience of an industry veteran, without the full-time commitment.
It’s putting the right person, in the right place, to make the right decisions.
Most organizations fall into one of four levels on the Decision-making Pyramid of Chaos, click here to find out which level your company is at: Pyramid of Chaos blog.
Many TAG CXO executives have a long track record of successful decisions and IT projects, check out our team here: TAG Team
About TAG CXO:
Based in Phoenix, Arizona, TAG CXO is a privately held company, providing Interim and Fractional IT leadership executives, founded in 2019. The company maintains a bench of industry-trained, enterprise-level executives, available on demand to mid-market CEOs. TAG CXO executives help to round out a firm’s leadership team and close the IT talent gap with fully qualified expertise, offering a more affordable, lower-risk option than hiring full-time staff. Learn more at: