IT Black Hole or IT Investment Portfolio
Thinking like battle-tested CIOs – Technology management for non-tech executives Technology programs can be managed in two ways – Active asset management, or A black hole where IT projects are
Thinking like battle-tested CIOs – Technology management for non-tech executives Technology programs can be managed in two ways – Active asset management, or A black hole where IT projects are
Thinking like battle-tested CIOs – Technology management for non-tech executives Are you the McDonald’s, the Burger King or the Wendy’s of your industry? These three fast-food giants have dominated the
Thinking like battle-tested CIOs – Technology management for non-tech executives We can all be captivated by fancy new tools and tricks but often getting back to the basics is the
Thinking like battle-tested CIOs – Technology management for non-tech executives Decision makers are busy. Customers, competitors and opportunities are all coming and going, and business moves fast. Executives rarely have
Thinking like battle-tested CIOs – Technology management for non-tech executives Requirements before Solutions Every new system put in place is in response to a business need. Knowing the ins and
Thinking Like Battle-tested CIOs – Technology Management for non-tech Executives Often when making decisions, we go with our gut, especially when we don’t have all the information. That’s not always
Thinking Like Battle-tested CIOs – Technology Management for non-tech Executives Thoughtful decision-making and successful outcomes are vital in the business workplace. An organization’s culture can steer the decision-making process, towards
Battle-tested CIOs – “Our hindsight is your foresight!” Implementation vs Adoption A new technology system is only as good as its rate of adoption.Organizations spend money and use resources to
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